Carla Trigo
Category: Health & Nutrition
Points: 5.0
Joined: 1/24/2016
Last Seen: 1/24/2016


Northport, NY 11768, USA

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accountability, Business Coaching, Entrepreneur, Food, Health, Holistic wellness, Mindset, networking, New life, nutrition, Plan, Strategies, wealth, Whole

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Carla Trigo

I’m Health , Life Coach & biz coach . I have a booming Health & Life coaching practice where I work directly with clients and consult them on how to live their best lives by integrating holistic, natural methods. In addition to that, I’m also a biz coach “Most entrepreneurs in the wellness field have so much to offer, but no one ever taught them the business tools they need to be successful. I am dedicated to teaching holistic professionals how to create thriving businesses that make a difference in our world.”