Shannon Harper

How to Make Leads Groups Work


Developing a great leads group is easy, but there are some extra steps along the way that make all the difference. You could have a leads group with hundreds of members, but without these things, unfortunately your leads group is dangerously at risk of worthlessness.


  1. Trust - Being open and honest is an important strategy that some salespeople are taught to ignore. The truth is that trust is your biggest sales tool. Not only does telling the truth enhance trust, but it also ensures that you stand out from other salespeople. It’s no surprise that most people would rather work with others that they trust.
  2. Return - Everyone is looking for a return on their investment. While we’d like to think that every member of a leads group cares about other members of the leads group as much as they care about themselves, that’s not always the case. Expect members of your leads group to care about what they can get in return from helping you. If you’re able to provide anyone with a substantial return on their time or effort spent working for you, you’re likely to yield better results.
  3. Commit - Just because a member of your leads group does not provide desirable results, does not mean you should leave them “high and dry”. Committing to the other members of your leads group means sticking with them thick and thin, and helping each other regardless of the results that are obtained.


Posted By: Shannon Harper 8 years ago

Category: Leads Groups

Tags: Leads Group, leads groups, Networking Groups