Matthew Pomar

Trade Sales Leads Online at

Hi fellow LeadsGroup members! I am happy to announce you can now trade sales leads with your trusted business connections and lead group members. This feature has been a long time coming, but I wanted to take my time with it and build something both easy to use as well as useful.

Here's now the feature works...

Sharing a Lead

Firstly, it's important to understand that you can share leads with your registered business connections. Since your LeadsGroup group members are automatically added as a business connection, you can share leads with them, too. If you want to share a lead with someone outside of the LeadsGroup network, you can invite them first to join for a free account and they can receive your lead. In the future, we may make it possible to invite others while sharing a lead.

To share a lead, navigate to the Leads Tab then click Share Lead:

Share a Lead

Once you have completed all the fields (all are required), then click the Share Lead button. This will notify your connection that they received a new lead.

You can see the leads you shared by navigating to Leads > Leads Inbox > Leads I've Shared:

Leads I've Shared

Receiving Leads

OK, let's admit it. Sharing leads makes us feel all good inside, like we've done something good and contributed to society or something like that. However, what most of us are probably most excited about is receiving leads. If you are selflessly sharing leads, you will soon start receiving leads as well. When that happens, here's how to find them and manage them.

To find your leads, go to Leads > Leads Inbox > Leads I Own:

Lead I Own

Click on one of the leads and you can read all about your new prospect:

Lead Detail

As you can see, you also have basic lead/sales management tools, including a place to keep track of the opportunity amount, the lead status, and a large comments area where you can record sales activities you performed with this lead.

That's the basics of our new feature. We'd love to get your feedback. Please post your ideas and feedback using the "Feedback & Support" tab on the right of the site. After releasing this feature, I already have some additional ideas I'd like to see implemented, so I'm going to post those now, and if you like them, please vote on them.

Thanks again for being a member. Now go make it happen!


Matthew Pomar
President, LeadsGroup LLC



Posted By: Matthew Pomar 7 years ago

Category: Marketing/Advertising

Tags: Announcement