Kelly Vondra
Melinda Dale


Kelly Vondra
20.00 points


Rochester, MI 48309, USA

Established: 3/22/2016
Members: 2

Group Tags:

buying, buying homes, home, home sales, lease, Leasing, professional, Real Estate, Real Estate agent, real estate investor, Real estate Leasing, Sales, selling, selling homes

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Pros in the Real Estate Industry

Lets start referring business to each other on this page. Any company that supports the sale of Real Estate such as: Mortgage Pros, Insurance Pros, Inspections Pros, contractors, specialized home repairs, investors etc. are welcome. I am a Realtor and have been in the business for almost 20 years and I do a lot of prospecting in which referrals are needed so would like to build my team. I also flip homes and need good people to help remodel etc.