Al Liggens II
Category: Energy Natural Gas
Points: 10.0
Joined: 4/22/2015
Last Seen: 4/22/2015


San Antonio, TX 78250, USA

Member Tags:

Electric bill, green energy products, Lower utility bill, Natural Gas services, solar energy, Utilities, utility audits

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Al Liggens II

We provide lower utility rates for businesses and residential customers in de-regulated states. Our products include utility audits, green energy, and solar.

Businesses and consumers can lower their monthly utility rates at no cost.
If you are located in a de-regulated state, we can provide you with a free rate comparison quote on your electric and natural gas, and offer a lower rate with savings of about 10% or more. Your current utility provider, billing, customer service stays the same. The only change to your bill is the supply portion and the new lower monthly rate.
Our other products include utility audits, green energy, and solar.