David Colameco
Category: Accounting
Points: 5.0
Joined: 1/28/2023
Last Seen: 1/31/2023


Centerville, MA 02632 US

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David Colameco

Hello, I am here to help! Come meet with me and my team to develop a strategic plan for your financial goals!! In 45 minutes, we can design a plan to get you to your goals! Build cash value in permanent life insurance, and the majority of the time you can access cash value WITHOUT paying taxes!!

New York Life has top-notch ratings as an insurer in the U.S. When a insurance company has those excellent ratings you need not worry about when it comes time to draw on your policies! here are some examples of our ratings (A.M. Best-A++) (Fitch Ratings-AAA) ( Moody's- Aaa) We have been here since 1845 and will be here for you when you need us!! Our goal is to work with our clients and help them achieve financial goals!! Schedule a meeting with us today! 774-521-5927