Eric Clark
Category: Medical Claims Services
Points: 10.0
Joined: 1/23/2010
Last Seen: 1/23/2010


Concord, NC, USA

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accelerate cash flow and capture more of there entitled reimbursements., Providers outsource there claims to my Company.My Companies objective is to lower operating costs

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Eric Clark

The Doctor`s Goal: take care of the persons HEALTH. Our Goal : take care of the Doctor`s WEALTH.INDEED.

The Devil lives in the details; unfortunately so are your profits!! The proof is in your aged AR report no claim will go unprocessed. We are confident that we can customize design, Implement and MANAGE your account.

1. Reduction in Billing and Administrative costs.
2. Reduction in Account receivables, leading to higher cash flow.
3. Trending your costs and revenues by using our Information about the latest software and Technology.