Bill Gernaat
Category: Health & Fitness
Points: 10.0
Joined: 1/6/2010
Last Seen: 1/6/2010


Davenport, FL 33897, USA

Member Tags:

coaching, diet, dieting, exercise, nutrition, weight, weight gain, weight loss

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Bill Gernaat

I work with clients all over the country to help them lose weight, lower cholesterol and blood pressure and reduce or eliminate costly medications. THIS IS NOT A DIET!

I offer FREE coaching for weight loss. Using a proven plan, clients will lose between 2 to 5 pounds per week. If you can eat every 3 hours, you can succeed with this program. This is not a diet. Diets don't work.

This 30 year old company has been recommended by over 20,000 physicians. There are no contracts, no monthly minimums, no enrollment fees, and no recurring billing. Get the weight off quickly and safely, keep it off for life. Reduce or eliminate costly medications and take control of your life.

Go to for a complete overview of the program.

Click on About Me to fill out a client profile form or email me at the address on the website. I will connect with you as soon as possible after receiving the form.