Darryl Dexter
Category: Pest Control
Points: 10.1
Joined: 9/29/2013
Last Seen: 9/29/2013


Sacramento, CA, USA

Member Tags:

ants, bats, best, ethical, exculsion, home, honest, moral, Pest Control, rats, roaches, Shield, snakes, wildlife

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Darryl Dexter

We are a Eco-Friendly and very effective Pest Control Service. We believe in doing business in a moral and highly ethical manner. Make an investment towards a peace-of-mind and rest easy knowing you have the right people for the job.

HomeShieldPestControl.com is a local company owned and operated by local residents. Our goal is to provide outstanding service to our customers and to build relationships of trust with our clients. We want you to feel comfortable calling us for any issues you may have with insects or pests. Our skilled and courteous technicians will be there to help with any bug problems.

Our ultimate goal is to work for you so you and your family and/or business can enjoy life and work bug and pest free.

Please give us a chance to earn your business and help protect your home or business with the Shield!