Ashley Blythe
Category: Wood Flooring Contractor
Points: 48.0
Joined: 1/17/2010
Last Seen: 4/2/2010


Little Elm, TX, USA

Member Tags:

distressed wood floors, hand scraped wood floors, oak wood floors, solid wood floors, Wood Floor Maintenance, wood floor refinishing, wood floor repair, Wood Floors

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Ashley Blythe

HSW Floors is a home improvement flooring company that focuses on installing solid wood floors and works directly with homeowners. We provide a unique and convenient "turn-key" service which covers any related items that become involved and when appropriate, we like to use environmentally conscious products.

HSW Floors came about from several years of experience as a general contractor in the home improvement and remodeling business. At the time, we clearly recognized that there was a lack of clear information about what wood flooring options were available to homeowners and none of the companies in the space were providing the ancillary services to actually bring a project to completion.

We feel that traditional solid wood floors still offer the best long-term value when compared to modern flooring options such as engineered/prefinished wood. Solid floors are often imitated but never equaled with unmatched character, durability, color depth, texture, and resale value. Often times the total price for a new solid wood floor is actually more reasonable than the premium engineered competitors.

Because HSW Floors is able to install all types of flooring, we can offer an unbiased opinion that includes the pro's and con's of the options that you may be considering.

With convenient, in-home appointments, straightforward answers, and detailed proposals, HSW Floors will work hard to earn your wood flooring business and delivery quality beyond your expectations.