Tayna Shipp
Category: Skin Care Products
Points: 11.6
Joined: 7/20/2012
Last Seen: 7/23/2012


Los Lunas, NM, USA

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anti-aging, blemishes, business opportunity, clinical results, direct selling, dull skin, free shipping, get 10% off, preferred customer, reverse, rosacea., sensitive skin, soothe, sun damage, wrinkles

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Tayna Shipp

Write your skin a prescription today! Clinically proven results, developed by the top dermatologist who created Proactiv, 60 day money back guarantee. Can't beat that, that is how good the products are.

I was a full time employee working to make my employer wealthy. I was introduced to this amazing product and love the products, but the business plan was just as amazing. Low business investment and big rewards. This is the first company that has a wonderful name brand recognition and money back guarantee. I have never seen this anywhere else, and making a difference in peoples skin, as well as their lives.