Jennifer Shurts
Category: Health Care
Points: 5.0
Joined: 4/6/2016
Last Seen: 4/6/2016


Plano, TX 75093, USA

Member Tags:

allergy testing and treatment, Corporate Events, dieting, food intolerance testing, gluten intolerance testing, Gluten-free, health care, health fairs, immune system, laboratory services, Medical, nutrition, onsite health fairs, onsite medical assessments, weight loss, wellness

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Jennifer Shurts

We are a medical practice that only accepts health insurance. We specialize in weight loss and wellness.We offer a variety of diagnostic tests, including allergy testing, food intolerance testing and other wellness assessments.

MDI Wellness Solutions is the country's leading provider of comprehensive wellness assessments. Our specialized medical practice offers world class diagnostic services to individuals and employees of companies with out of network health insurance benefits. Our services include: allergy testing and treatment, food intolerance testing, health fair services, information sessions, laboratory services, echo cardiogram, head to toe ultrasound scans & nerve conduction velocity testing. All of our medical services can be delivered onsite at our office or on property at your location. Our medical staff is mobile, making health screenings and medical assessments convenient, comfortable and stress free for employees.
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