Most insurance agents are "one and done" quick sell sales people looking to place someone into a policy, make their commission, and are never heard from again until its time to renew that policy. I take my clients through a process to determine what their needs, and wishes are. Using the information gathered in my process, my team and I come up with an individualized plan that fit my clients' lifestyle goals, future plans, and changing situations. As an advisor I realize everyone's financial situation is different, and remains fluid over time which is why I take the time to develop specific plans that encompass the needs of my clients today, while planning for their future security. Everyone wants to leave a legacy for their family, and protect their family's lifestyle in the event they are no longer around to provide for them financially. I help my clients in the event they live too long, die too young, or get hurt or sick along the way. I focus on the long term needs, and changing situations my clients may encounter throughout their lives. Maintaining a trusted "client - advisor relationship" is the most important aspect of how I run my business.