Travis Phipps
Category: Marketing/Advertising
Points: 10.0
Joined: 6/3/2016
Last Seen: 6/3/2016


Hollywood, CA 90028, USA

Member Tags:

advertising, Internet Marketing, internet services, marketing strategy, Marketing/Internet

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Travis Phipps

is an exclusive Pay Per Click Marketing Service. We manage, maintain, analyze, report on, develop, and create Pay Per Click (also known as PPC) Marketing Accounts. We manage Google AdWords, Bing Ads, YouTube, Facebook, Amazon and other search and display accounts for clients with a minimum monthly spend of $20,000. We provide results based on specific goals that the client establishes, usually (but not always) driven by "Return on Investment" (ROI).

We spend all of our time, effort, and resources on providing our customers with the best PPC marketing strategies on the planet. We believe that we are the absolute best for the clients we choose to serve. We don't work with everyone. We require a customer evaluation where we look into existing account structures (if they do indeed exist), we identify client goals for the account (sales, new customers, brand awareness, lead generation, etc), we learn about the team that we will be working with to see if it is a good fit.

We will do preliminary keyword research, assist in the creation of AdWords/Bing /Facebook / Amazon accounts, and provide Testing, Bid Management, Reporting, Account Maintenance, and Marketing Strategy.