Dr. Brian Foster
Category: Chiropractor
Points: 5.0
Joined: 9/28/2015
Last Seen: 9/28/2015


630 15th Ave #102, Longmont, CO 80501, USA

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acupuncture, automobile injuries, Chiropractic, headaches, Health, Healthcare, lower back pain, massage, neck pain, nutritional supplements., sports injuries, sports physicals, workers' compensation injuries

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Dr. Brian Foster

I help people achieve their best health potential by removing interference from their nervous system and thereby allowing their innate healing potential to heal themselves from above-down-inside-out...without drugs or surgeries.

Foster Health & Wellness Center,PLLC is a chiropractic office that offers the healing power of chiropractic alignments to the spine to help remove nervous system interference. We are open 6 days per week. We offer chiropractic, massage, acupuncture, nutritional supplements, and rehabilitation to help the body restore itself back to its natural healthy state, without the use of drugs or surgeries. I started practice in 1996 in Longmont, CO and have successfully treated a wide variety of conditions and injuries, including neck pain, mid back pain, lower back pain, headaches, numbness and tingling in the arms, hands, legs, or feet. We have successfully treated sciatica (leg pain), migraines, problems with vision and hearing, weak muscles, and lots lots more!

Our goal is to help you reach your health goal! If you want to be headache free, we can help. If you want to get rid of your back pain, we can help with that too! If you just want to be healthier and have better range of motion you came to the right place.