jennifer williams
Category: Insurance - Life & Disability
Points: 10.0
Joined: 10/24/2015
Last Seen: 10/24/2015


Illinois, USA

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AD&D, child riders, child safe kits, College Funds, income protection, medical discount cards, medifacts kits, Mortgage Protection, Term Life Insurance, terminal riders, whole life in

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jennifer williams

Our company provides no cost benefits for over 20,000 different unions & associations; all police officers, firefighters, teamsters, etc. We here to protect anyone sponsored into the program. We provide several term life & whole life insurance at discounted prices.

Our company is unique because it protects one family at a time. Our goal is to make sure every family in US is protecting their lively hood what they work so hard for at 100% as well as to be able to help each family leave a legacy for generations to come. We reach out to all income levels. Individual, Single Head of Household, Married, Divorced or Widowed we are here to make sure you are always protected.

We were work with our communities we serve to help with providing resources to those in need.