erika tucker
Category: Direct Sales
Points: 10.0
Joined: 2/4/2010
Last Seen: 2/7/2010


Pensacola, FL 32503, USA

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aging, ground floor, make up, network marketing, networking, opportunity, pharmacuticals, proactiv, reverse, rodan and fields, skin care products, sun damage, wrinkles

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erika tucker

A unique business venture backed by the creators of Proactiv Solution. World-renowned dermatologists and entrepreneurs, Dr. Katie Rodan and Dr. Kathy Fields, are redefining the direct selling industry. With unprecedented credibility, a competitive compensation plan, and clinically-proven products that transform skin, Rodan + Fields can change your life and the lives of those around you. Join us today...write your Prescription for Change.

What Drs. Katie Rodan and Kathy Fields did for acne with Proactiv, they're now doing for sun damage...and they've invited us to join them! I'm fortunate to be among the first to represent their GROUND FLOOR global internet network marketing company. With the 20 year credibility of the Doctors; an established, award winning, FDA compliant, clinically proven dermatological skincare line that was #1 in retail; and our positioning in the market place of being first...this business is a no-brainer for those looking for substantial residual income!