Little Ticket To Wealth (LTTW) generates leads and income on autopilot. I bought the top product, their Platinum program, that provides me with 400,000 fresh targeted leads plus 4,000 buyer leads every month. After a small one-time fee, the monthly residual payment is only $40.
There is a Done For You feature and a complimentary Bulk Emailer to help you keep it simple. Then I added the Secret Lead Factory product that fully automates the process and takes it to another level.
This lead generating company takes the work upon themselves so you can benefit from the process. It works with your own business or use their Landing Pages to promote re-sell of the LTTW products.
Contact me at [email protected] for further information including links to these two companies. I will be happy to coach you through the simple process to help you achieve your dream lifestyle on autopilot.
Here's to your prosperity!
Lynn Lamont, M A
[email protected]
LTTW Marketing Coach