Tracy Berinobis-Takahata
Category: Insurance - Supplemental & Health
Points: 20.0
Joined: 5/19/2016
Last Seen: 5/19/2016


Glendale, AZ, USA

Member Tags:

affordable health insurance, families, health insurance, health insurance policy, individuals, Self Employed, Small Business

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Tracy Berinobis-Takahata

Offering 20-60% savings on health care outside of Obama Care for families, individuals, small businesses and the self-employed. Customized plans with no deductibles and paid on a first dollar basis from the moment of approval.

A federally approved health insurance company serving individuals, families, small businesses and the self-employed with affordable health insurance. We typically save 20-60% on current premiums for clients. Our plans are customized to fit your needs and can be upgraded at any time when you need the extra coverage without additional underwriting. If you're unsatisfied with what Obama Care has done to you or if you feel you are paying to much for something you're not happy with, please contact me today, I can help!

It is my goal and mission to help as many people as I can on a daily basis.